Saturday, March 21, 2020

Miss Peters's March 20 (21st) Check In

Hello 3rd Graders!

I forgot to post on here yesterday. How are all of you doing? It's barely been a week and I miss all of you so much already! How are your science projects coming? Has everyone been able to open the power point through one of the ways I sent it? Please comment and/or email me with your responses.

I have checked with Mrs. Cowart and it sounds like Mr. Evers (or maybe I) have to get your school email address linked to Google Classroom in order for it to work; I'll continue to check into that and get back to all of you on that.

Someone shared with me a fun Science "Weather School" program you may like to tune into Starting Monday at 10am with Steve Beylon from WBAY News! If you tune into it please leave a comment or email me with how it was!

Here's a link, but I'm not sure if it will work:
Steve Beylon Weather School

Here's the post:

*I just discovered that many of you are commenting on my posts! I love it! Miss Ploederl probably gets the email update for it, which is why I just discovered it. Haha. I'll check those more often!*


  1. I don't get how you do the Spotlight on Vocabulary do you wright about the planet or the definition.

  2. and what do you do with the solar system vocabulary?

  3. The sheet with all of the vocabulary words isn't needed; it's just the words written out larger for you. The sheet where you define the planets and other items give me a definition and if there isn't a definition give me a few defining details about the planet, that makes it that planet. Ex. Earth is the only planet that is green and blue, or something like that. Does this help?
