Monday, March 30, 2020

Miss Peters' Monday Check-In

Hi 3rd Graders!

How was your spring break? Comment below with fun things you all did!
How are your science projects coming along? Any questions? Has the instructions document I sent helped? Leave a comment below with how your science project is going!

Make sure you push the "Publish" button once you have finished your comment so it posts onto the blog. If you have trouble leaving a comment please email me your response, so I know you have seen the blog post. :)

Here is a short video to practice the letters of the alphabet in ASL. I would like you to watch it, practice the letters and tomorrow I will post another video with a fun quiz/challenge for you to answer to see if you can recognize whose name I am finger-spelling. Have fun!


  1. my spring break was fine. Watched a few movies and shows. Worked on both projects a bit and finished my book - Ella

  2. My spring break was fun. I spend alot of time with our dog cooper. We took him to the woods we have down the road. He loves to run around while we make wood. Randi and I have been riding our scooters around outside and making chalk art outside when it is not raining. We went to asylum point park on friday to see the ice shoves. It was the first time we went anywhere since we got out of school. They were not moving when we went, but we got to climb them and it sounded like broken glass. We also found seaglass. It was nice to get out. All this without running into anyone. Since we put the tent up in our living room friday for Yellowstone day my mom let cooper sleep in it with me for 2 nights. He usually sleeps in the garage! The science project makes more sense now that I got the instruction email.

    1. It sounds like you had a great spring break! I've never been to Asylum Point Park; I'll have to check that it. It sounds really neat! That is really neat that your Mom let Cooper sleep in the tent with you.

  3. Will the science projects be due on April 6.

  4. My break was good. My mom ordered a few supplies that I need for the science project. right now I am just going over the directions to plan it out.
