Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Miss Peters' Tuesday Check-In

Good morning 3rd Graders!

Any updates or questions on your science projects today?

How was practicing the letters of the alphabet in ASL? Easy, Hard, Medium? Leave a comment about below!

Are you ready for the challenge?! Please leave a comment or email me your answers so I know that you have seen the video and have tried it. Remember this is just for fun, but I want everyone to try it!


  1. 1 Onnie
    2 Evelyn
    3 Ella
    4 Iley
    5 Maximo
    6 Journey
    7 Elliot
    8 Nick
    9 Jackson
    Practicing the alphabet was medium But this challenge was super fun

  2. This challenge was easy and fun. I was 2.

  3. 1. Onnie 2. Evelyn 3. Ella 4. Iley 5. Maximo 6. Journy 7. Elloit 8. Nick 9. Jackson

  4. Answers for the video are
    1. Onnie 2. Evelyn 3. Ella 4. Iley 5. Maximo 6. Journey 7. Elloit 8. Nick 9. Jackson.
    Great job, Nick, Onnie, and Iley for getting all 9 correct!

  5. 1.Onnie 2. Evelyn 3.Ella 4.Iley 5. Maximo 6. Journey 7. Elliot 8. Nick 9. Jackson
