Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Miss Peters's March 18th Check In

Hello 3rd Graders!

It is definitely different not seeing you at school! Miss you dearly already. Has anyone completed any of the fun St. Patrick's items that were sent home on Monday? Remember these are just for fun and do not have to be returned back to me, with the exception of the Pictograph worksheet. Once you have finished that one either send me a picture of it through email or bring it back to school so I can see how you did on it.

Have any of you started with your science project yet? How are they going? Learning lots of information about your planet? Comment in the comments section or email me to update me on how the projects are going.

Science Project 
Each student chose a planet to research. Below is a list of the planet they chose; if they were absent on Monday I assigned a planet for them.
Nick- Earth
Journey- Mercury
Ella- Venus
Onnie- Saturn
Iley- Mars
Jackson- Uranus
Elliot- Jupiter
Evelyn- Neptune

Link to NASA's Planet Page

Link for Solar System Power Point from

*If the links don't work let me know so I can email them to you. I've never tried posting a link before; first time for everything.*

As of now projects are due April 6th; keep watching for a later date. I'll let you know how you will have to present if we have to do it online. As of right now that is how it is looking.

*A note for 3rd graders and Parents*
I've been trying to work ahead and get a Google Classroom started. I have been successful (hopefully; fingers crossed) in creating an assignment that I would like you to respond to so I can see if it works or not. I've just started trying it out so I'm not sure how it will go. I'll email all parents the class code so you can join Miss Peters's 3rd Grade Google Classroom. Try to do this as soon as possible so I know if it works. Thank you! :)

Have a wonderful evening, continue to work hard, and enjoy the extra family time!

Best wishes,

Miss Peters


  1. Hello, we are unable to connect to the google classroom. We have logged in with both Evelyn and Holly's email address. We then add the classroom code and we then are told the the code is invalid. Any ideas? Can we try a direct link to attach to the google classroom? Thanks the Vosters

  2. I completed the word search my mom was helping me and we thought the word was CHARM but instead it was MARCH no wonder we couldn't find it. I started the Planets Research Questions

    1. That is funny, Iley! I'm glad you were able to figure it out!

  3. We were not able to access it either. Are we using this website?, then clicking on join classroom? It told me the link was not valid.

  4. We also tried to join google classroom and it said code was invalid.

    First link for science worked. Second one did not work for us(link for solar system power point from heart to heartlearning).

    Just started learning more about earth. Interesting fact that I liked is that the first being to travel to outer space was a female dog named Laika in 1957. She did not survive. A few years later two dogs named Belka and Strelka became first living creatures to return from space alive.

    1. Nick, those are great interesting facts! Is there alot more to learn about Earth than you thought?

  5. Solar System Power Point from doesn't work for us but NASA's Planet Page works

  6. I am still confused on the vocabulary worksheet. Do you write the the planets definition?

    1. If the planet has a definition, write it. If you just want to describe it and give a major fact about that planet, that will be just fine. Does that make sense?

  7. I have Neptune. The distance to the sun right now is 2,782,317,743 km. More than 30 times as far from the Sun as Earth, Neptune is the only planet in our solar system you cant see with your naked eyes. Neptune is the windiest planet and Ice Planet is the type of planet it is. NASA's Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have visited Neptune up close.

    1. Wow! That is very interesting; I don't think I knew that Neptune was the only planet we can't see with the naked eye. I wouldn't want to live on Neptune; the sound of "windiest" and "Ice Planet" don't sound very warm to me.

  8. Evelyn only have fun worksheets and the gold leprechaun worksheet if she does have them where would they be in the bag
