Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25th - 29th

Hope everyone enjoyed your three day weekend!

We will have a spelling list this week.  Please study each night at home.

The spring play is Wednesday at 9:30am and 6p.m..  The bulletin listed a 1:00pm performance, but that was a misprint.  It is a fun, energetic play!!  Look forward to seeing you all there!

The ABC End of Year Countdown starts on Wednesday.  Participation is optional.  If a student is missing homework or having trouble with behavior we will not allow participation that day.

Please get your permission slips in for our Packer field trip.  It is a few weeks away, but we have to give them numbers by the end of the week.

April Calendar

27th - Spring Program 9:30am and 6pm

27th - ABC End of Year Countdown begins - A is Apple Day- bring an apple or your favorite fruit today
28th - B is Beach Day - Bring a towel, sunglasses, beachball , and wear shorts to enjoy the beach. 29th - Mass - C is Celebrate Spring Day - Bring seeds for Fr to bless at Mass.

May Calendar

4th - May Crowning
6/7 - Blooming Bonanza
6th - Mass/Rosary
10th - iRun
11th - Early Release13th - Mass
17th - Field Trip to Packer Stadium
20th - Mass
25th - End of year school field trip27th - Mass with Bishop Ricken
30th - No School Memorial Day

Have a wonderful week!!

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18th - 22nd

What a gorgeous weekend!!!  It is so nice to see the students with color on their cheeks and with shorts today!

Our chick eggs arrived last week!  We have 18 eggs in our incubator.  We put them in the incubator on Wednesday, April 13th.  They are due to hatch on Wednesday, May 2nd or within a few days of there.  We candled the eggs this morning to see how many of the eggs are fertilized.  We have 17 eggs that are fertilized for sure, and one that is difficult to tell at this time.  We are all very excited!!

We are coming along with our cursive writing.  We are having the students write in cursive on certain assignments so they get used to forming their letters and words correctly.  We finished the lower case letters and are half way through the capital letters.  We will hopefully finish within the next couple of weeks so they have the whole month of May to practice.

In Science we worked on a STEM experiment and had to build a house for a giant that would balance on top of the beanstalk.  I included some pictures of their creative designs.

There won't be any spelling lists coming home this week.

April Calendar

20th - Mass/Divine Mercy Chaplet

22nd - No School
27th - Spring Program 9:30am and 6pm

27th - ABC End of Year Countdown begins
29th - Mass

May Calendar

4th - May Crowning
6/7 - Blooming Bonanza
6th - Mass/Rosary
10th - iRun
13th - Mass
17th - Field Trip to Packer Stadium
20th - Mass
27th - Mass with Bishop Ricken
30th - No School Memorial Day

Have a wonderful week!!

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11th - April 15th

This week will be a busy one!!   We will begin Junior Achievement with Mr. Obermueller this week.  He will be coming every Tuesday afternoon for a number of weeks.  We are very lucky to have this opportunity!

We are working very hard getting ready for our Spring Program.  The program is a very upbeat play with a lot of high energy singing.  They are really doing a great job!!

The chick eggs should be here any day.  The incubator is ready for their arrival, and so are we!!

Our students will be taking MAPS tests this week and next.  Third grade will have their first test on Thursday.  Please make sure the students get a good night sleep, eat a great breakfast and are to school on time.  We all thank you for this!

There will be a spelling list this week!  Keep on studying!  We had all A's last week!  What an accomplishment!!

April Calendar

14th - Scrip meeting
15th - Mass/Divine Mercy Chaplet
20th - Mass
27th - Spring Program 9:30am and 6pm
29th - Mass

Have a wonderful week!!!

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl

Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4th - 8th

Welcome back!!  I hope everyone enjoyed their nice long break!  I sure did, and I loved hearing all of the great stories from the students about what they did over their breaks.

Sorry this is a little late today.  Our internet was down this morning so I was not able to work on it until now.

There is a spelling list coming home this week.  Please continue to study each night at home.

We will be finishing our math unit this week.  We have been studying about angles, shapes, area, and perimeter.  We will be having a test sometime early next week.

We set up the incubator today to get ready for the chick eggs.  We should be getting the eggs either at the end of this week or the beginning of next week.  The students are very excited!!!

April Calendar

8th - Mass and Rosary
14th - Scrip meeting
15th - Mass
27th - Spring Program 9:30am and 6pm
29th - Mass

Have a wonderful week!!!

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl