Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 26-30th

It was very nice to see many of you at the Harvest Moon Festival on Saturday night.  It was a great night with a lot of wonderful prizes!

This week we will have a spelling test on Friday, so watch for the new list to come home tomorrow.  The students have been really proud of their tests!  Thanks for studying each night at home.

There will be a math test this week, probably Tuesday.  I will review with them tomorrow and send home a study guide.  If I feel we need another day of review, then I will move the test until Wednesday.

Guided reading groups will be getting new books this week.  When there is an assignment in guided reading we write out post it notes which the students are to put in their student planners.  If you aren't seeing these notes, please ask your child where they are, and let us know so we can be sure they that it gets resolved.


30th  - Mass and wear Halloween colors after Mass

4th - Mass
6th - No School/ End of 1st Quarter
10th - Conferences
12th - Conferences
13th - Mass with rosary after
16th - No School/ Teacher Inservice
20th - Mass
24th - Thanksgiving lunch
25th - Mass and early release
30th - Field Trip to Grand Opera House

Have a great week!  

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl
Making our boats out of aluminum foil.

Madison's finished boat.

Walker finding out how many dice his boat can hold before it sinks.

Happy boys

Fun at the Resch Center before Mass.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Sorry this is a day late!  I was having issues getting on to the blog yesterday, so I decided to send it from school today. This is a short week with our two field trips and Friday off!!

There will not be a spelling test coming home this week.  

There will be a Science test on Thursday.  They will be bringing home a study guide tonight.  Some of these concepts are a little difficult so please study every night.

We attended Xavier High School play today.  It was very cute and our students were well behaved!

Wednesday we travel to Green Bay for the Diocesan Mass at the Resch Center.  Father has asked that all students get a good night sleep the night before.  We leave first thing in the morning so there won't be snack.  Please have students eat a good breakfast so they can make it through Mass. Every student needs to bring a disposable bag lunch.  I am excited to see them dressed up to celebrate Mass with our Bishop!!

October Calendar:

21st - Mass at Resch Center with Bishop Ricken
23rd - No School
24th - Harvest Moon Festival
30th - Mass and then wear Halloween colors

Hope to see many of you on Saturday at the Harvest Moon Festival!!  It is always a lot of fun!!

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 12th - 16th

What a beautiful fall day!  A Packer win made it even better!!

Last week we took our MAPS tests.  There are a few students who need to finish a test, but they all did well!

Please continue to sign the student planners every night.  Even if there isn't any homework that night, please sign it letting us know that you saw the planner.  Thanks in advance for your support with this.

We are asking that students spend some time each week on RAZ kids.  This is a great way for us to look for areas that we need to spend extra time on in class.  We receive updates alerting us to problem areas.  If you have questions about RAZ please let us know.

Students have been working on character traits, while learning about the author Tomie de Paola.  They have also been working hard on predicates and subjects.

In math we are nearing the end of our first unit.  This week we should finish the lessons, which focus on problem solving and multiplication and division review.  The following week will be our first test.
October Calendar:

16th- Mass and choir to sing
19th-(AM) Grades K-5 field trip to Xavier for Hansel and Gretel play.
21st-(All Day) Grades K-5 mass with Bishop Ricken
23rd- No School
24th-Harvest Moon Festival  5pm
30th - Mass

Have a great week!

As always, please let us know if you have questions or concerns.  

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl

Walker, Jon, and Bradey searching for signs of Jesus in church.
Bradey enjoying popsicles on a warm day.

Walker enjoying his popsicle on a warm day.

Braeden and Jon with their 3K reading buddy, Joshua.

Prestynn working on his art.
A selfie!!!  Randi Jo, Addy, and Mrs. Cowart enjoying some extra recess time.

Madison and Jade enjoying some much needed extra recess time after MAPS testing.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 5-9th

I am having a hard time believing that we are into October already.  We are definitely having a great time and are all settled in!

There will be a new spelling test coming home on Monday.  The students have been doing a wonderful job on their tests.  Keep up the great work at home!!

In Science we talked about a Physical Change last week and this week we will discuss a Chemical Change.  There will be an activity they will do to practice being able to pick out which change is taking place.

In Social Studies we will begin the October newspaper.  They all did quite well on September's paper.  It will take a little while for the students to learn how to find information in the text, but they are starting to get the hang of it.

We took our MAPS tests last week.  There are a few students who  need to finish a test or two and they will be doing that sometime this week.  So last week was a little different then other weeks.  We should be back on track this week.

Here are some important events happening in October:

6th- Fire Department Visit 10:00 am
9th- Mass/Pet Blessing from 2:20-3:00 pm
13th- Home and School Meeting 7 pm
16th- Mass
19th - Field Trip to Xavier High School in the morning
21st- Catholic School Mass With Bishop Ricken at the Resch Center All Day
23rd- No School
24th- Harvest Moon Festival
30th- Mass

Have a great week!!

Mrs. Cowart and Ms. Ploederl