What a beautiful evening! I spent the last hour outside watching the Lunar Eclipse in amazement! I hope many of you were able to view the Blood Moon also!
This week there will be a new spelling list coming home on Monday. Please continue to study the words each night. They are so proud of themselves when they get an A or A+.
In math we will continue to work on multiplication by 3's and 4's. So far they know how to multiply by 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10. Believe it or not, they also know how to divide by these numbers! Please try to practice these facts at home. We have been making different fact projects to help us practice our facts.
In social studies we finished reading our September newspaper. We learned about glaciers and what they did to the land in Wisconsin. We also learned the five different regions of Wisconsin. The last page of the newspapers are due on Thursday this week.
Guided reading groups are well under way. The four groups are enjoying their books and the projects and activities that go with them. We are spending a lot of time learning how to find information in the book after we read it. Sometimes the information isn't right there in print and we have to infer what the author is telling us.
Here are some important dates coming up to remember
2nd- Mass with Rosary to follow/Pet Blessing from 2:20-3:00 pm
6th- Fire Department Visit 10:00 am
9th- Mass
13th- Home and School Meeting 7 pm
16th- Mass
19th- Field Trip to Xavier High School to see a play
21st- Catholic Schools Mass With Bishop Ricken at the Resch Center All Day
23rd- No School
24th- Harvest Moon Festival
30th- Mass
Have a great week!
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Cowart and Miss Ploederl